I am a serial entrepreneur seeking personal freedom within one year. This site is about that journey.


This page will contain a list of some of the current projects that I’m working on, the status of those projects, and some needs that I have in order to build some momentum with them. If you are interested in helping with any of them, please contact me via the links for each.

WordPress Support Business
This is a business championed by my friend Deepak Oberoi with the goal of supporting owners of WordPress websites with backups, upgrades / updates, site monitoring, optimization, and other related services. Deepak and I have been developing WordPress plugins and supporting WordPress websites together for nearly 10 years now, and I am really excited about building this business brand with him. This project is part of my 30 day hustle for the month of January. If you would like to help, click here:

I would love to help you with this project! 

Looking for Ideas
Finally, I’m always looking for additional partnerships with organizations and people with good ideas. If you are needing a great IT strategy guy / Developer / Architect and you have a great idea, I might be interested in helping.

I’ve got a great idea and need your help!